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When installing a new sound card the first thing you want to do is ground yourself. Since sound cards are acutely sensitive to static electricity, it is best to wear a static cancelling wristband while installing the card as a precaution. Make sure the computer is turned off and the power cable is unplugged before opening the case. Now unscrew the side off of your case and open the computer.
Locate the proper slot on your motherboard. If you have plenty of room try and keep your cards spaced out so they generate less heat. Remove the slot cover by unscrewing the small screw holding it in place. Lift the cover and gently push the card into the slot.
Now use that screw to secure the card in the slot. Once the card is secure close the case, give the inside a cleaning with a can of compressed air before closing it up. Now plug in your power supply and turn the computer on. You may have to install some software and sound card drivers depending on the type card. At this point you should be on your way to a new and improved audio experience.