Integrated Graphics May Sound Good ...

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Ever buy a game and then find out your computer cannot handle the graphics?

Integrated Graphics May Sound Good ...

If you decide to purchase a pre-configured computer rather than build your own, make sure to check the graphics specifications for the models you are interested in. If you plan to use this computer for gaming you need to make sure it lists a specific video card. Computers that say “Integrated Graphics” are not going to get the job done.

This means that the graphics capabilities of this machine are built directly into the motherboard. That may sound good, but it is not. These types of computers will be fine for displaying your desktop, basic applications and surfing the Internet. Beyond that there is really no significant power to speak of in the graphics department.

Once you narrow down the models that interest you, take a look at the video cards they list and compare them. The video card is not the only thing you should be considering when buying a computer, but for moderate to heavy multimedia use like gaming and 3D rendering programs, it is very important.

Now you know that when you get home with your new computer you will be able to do more than type in a word processor. No sense in having a high quality display screen with a computer than cannot match it.



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