Computer Parts Tips

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Do you own a PC Tool Kit?

Tools of the Trade

If you built your own computer system, you may already have a PC Tool Kit. These kits are designed to provide you with every type of tool that might be needed during computer maintenance. With this kit you will be able to get at any computer parts you need.

When performing upgrades on your machine, it is better to not use a steak knife as a screwdriver or tongs as pliers. Use the real thing and the process will go a lot smoother. Most of these kits will also come with a grounding wristband of some kind. This is so you do not end up frying your motherboard and everything within five feet with static electricity. If the kit did not come with one, make sure buy it separately. You do not want to open your computer case for any repairs or upgrades without that wristband.

Keep the kit in a dry place and make sure that none of the tools start to get any rust on them. If you start seeing rust, it is time for a new tool kit. That is one of the last things you want coming into contact with the inside of your desktop. It comes in a close second behind a fishbowl full of water, sans the fish.

Is the scanner you are interested in compatible with your operating system?


A scanner is a piece of computer equipment that can be used for many different purposes. Scanners essentially analyze the surface of an image or object and then recreate a two-dimensional digital image of that surface. The most common type of scanner today is the flatbed.

Flatbed scanners are used in offices for business purposes as well as personal or recreational uses at home. When scanners first hit the market several years ago they would typically sell for no less than $400. Currently they run as low as $75.

Many all-in-one systems now have a printer, fax, copier and scanner built into one machine and are priced under $75, though the stand-alone devices will be of a higher quality. Now that the technology is no longer new and prices have gone down, more people own scanners today. Just like printers, though, scanners require drivers specific to the model. This means you should check to see if the device will be compatible with the operating system you are currently running before purchasing one.

Do you make sure you know what you are downloading before you download it?

Know What You Are Downloading

When it comes to computers, consistency is a good thing. The best scenario is having one place where you can purchase everything and get all the components to build your own computer. You can go back to the same place to purchase upgrades as you are ready. But it does not have to stop at hardware. If you get your software at the same place that everything else came from you have a consistency not often found in the computer field.

Start by getting all your computer parts there and building your own machine. Order your upgrades from the same place when the time is right. When you find yourself in need of a specific software program, you can go find it in the same place.

Is the area around your computer properly ventilated?


Ventilation is important for the preservation of a desktop computer since most of the computer parts within the case generate heat. There are usually multiple devices such as fans and heatsinks inside your case that are working hard to keep a stable temperature to avoid overheating or crashing.

There are also steps that must be taken outside of your computer case to keep the system at a healthy temperature as well. If you keep your desktop in a computer hutch or cabinet of some kind, that area needs to be properly ventilated. One of the fans in your system needs to draw cool air in to regulate temperature while hot air is expelled. However, if the surrounding area outside the computer case is poorly ventilated the front fan will just suck hot air back into the case and your system will surely overheat.

The ideal environment for your desktop PC is one where there is sufficient airflow so that the air can remain cool outside. Enclosed cabinets with no circulation will cause your machine to overheat as if the components were generating twice the normal amount of heat. If a cabinet or hutch was not designed specifically for a computer you should probably look for an alternative location.

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Kristle Jones